You are what you eat...

Health doesnt always comes from medicine. Most of the time it comes from the peace of mind, peace of soul. It comes from laughter and love.


The most precious and crucial time for a woman is during pregnancy. All women are blessed by god, to give birth. In this crucial and most precious period, how a woman can take care of them, to be blessed with a healthy baby? At present, it has become quiet common, to prescribe vitamin supplements to pregnants. Can’t we supplement the vitamins through natural food and balanced diet?
Yes, it is 100% possible. Pregnant women nutritious necessities can be balanced by natural diet. It’s our responsibility to maintain healthy, natural and balanced diet atleast during pregnancy period.
Unfortunate thing is, nowadays; we have been observing frequent abortions in the early stage of pregnancy and early deliveries in the 7th and 8th month. Most of the places in India and few other countries, people used to eat more spicy foods and more cooked food. It is advisable, atleast during pregnancy to have very very less spiced foods. Change in our food habits places vital role during pregnancy.


            Yoga has been originated from ancient Indian saints. In ancient India, saint used to mediate for days together without any movement in their bodies. Saints thought, if there is no movement in the body for long days, definitely it will not be good for health. So they have invented yoga asanas for healthy living.  Though there will not be any movement, yoga has tremendous results in curing ailments and in achieving peace of mind.


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