You are what you eat...

Health doesnt always comes from medicine. Most of the time it comes from the peace of mind, peace of soul. It comes from laughter and love.


The most precious and crucial time for a woman is during pregnancy. All women are blessed by god, to give birth. In this crucial and most precious period, how a woman can take care of them, to be blessed with a healthy baby? At present, it has become quiet common, to prescribe vitamin supplements to pregnants. Can’t we supplement the vitamins through natural food and balanced diet?
Yes, it is 100% possible. Pregnant women nutritious necessities can be balanced by natural diet. It’s our responsibility to maintain healthy, natural and balanced diet atleast during pregnancy period.
Unfortunate thing is, nowadays; we have been observing frequent abortions in the early stage of pregnancy and early deliveries in the 7th and 8th month. Most of the places in India and few other countries, people used to eat more spicy foods and more cooked food. It is advisable, atleast during pregnancy to have very very less spiced foods. Change in our food habits places vital role during pregnancy.

Now I will explain about the required nutrients for a normal person. hence it can be compared with a pregnant woman’s food intake. There are two types of required nutrients, for a human being or any other living, through out its life. They are:
Micro nutrients
Macro nutrients.
Micro nutrients: These are required in small portions, through out our life such as Vitamins, Minerals, Enzymes and Fibre.
Macro Nutrients: These are required in large portions, through out our life such as Carbohydrates, Proteins and Fats.

But, for a pregnant lady, these are required in double portions, of what normal human being takes. In few countries, people have misconception that, pregnants should eat more fat foods like rice, ghee, cheese. Pregnant woman should eat more, only nutrients but not fatty foods, for herself and for the unborn baby, an infant which is gaining life day by day to come out.

Proteins are the building blocks of a human body. It helps to grow skin, nail, hair and internal organs. Next to water, protein is the most plentiful substance in the body. Hence It’s required for pregnant woman to take more proteins, which helps for the growth of the baby. Hence 150 grams of protein to be taken by a pregnant woman. Now we will see daily routine and the natural diet with all the natural micro and macro nutrients and for pregnant women. And more over, there is a chance of getting diabetes during pregnancy. The following natural diet helps to prevent diabetes

1 In the morning, as soon as you get up, drink 1- 1.25 litres of water with empty stomach, which helps to cleanse the whole body and intestine. During pregnancy, your body needs more water to cope with the demands of your changing body. It helps to prevent from urinary infections and helps to relieve symptoms of morning sickness, heartburns and indigestion.
2 Once the step one done, walk for about half an hour and for 15 minutes Pranayamam (Breathing exercise) and Yoga. Pranayamam and Yoga can be done, only if you have a good guidance or if you have experience of doing before pregnancy.
3 Once finishing the exercise, drink how much ever water you can drink.
4 Now drink vegetable juice, prepared from carrot, beetroot, cucumber, tomato, ridge gourd, bitter gourd, wheat grass and lettuce. To prepare the vegetable juice, the above mentioned 3 or 4 veggies can be used at a time. Use beet root little portion only. By drinking vegetable juice in the morning, supplements vitamins and minerals which help to balance nutrients in blood.
5 For breakfast, macronutrients like proteins and carbohydrates needs to be provided. Macro nutrients can be given in the following.
i) Whole night soaked ground nuts: Ground nuts have the second highest protein in it, whilst the soya beans in the first place. In take of soya beans explained in the coming information.
ii) Small portion of coconut. White flesh of the coconut helps in building the muscles of thin and emaciated individuals. Coconut can mainly supplement, dietary fibre, Monounsaturated fats, Carbohydrates.
iii) The most important nutrient is calcium, can be supplemented from dates and sesame seeds. Sesame seeds have the highest calcium in it. It can be mixed with dates for better taste and also for more calcium.
iv) Have more sprouts made by lentils (black eyed beans), green gram (pesalu), and chick peas. If not, sprouts, it can be taken as boiled beans, once after, soaked the whole night. And also, add walnut (for omega3 fatty acids) and almonds and cashew nuts in your breakfast.
We might gain weight by taking more protein food. But it’s responsibly to give birth to a healthy baby. The strong foundation for a baby can be acquired from the mother’s womb. We can take care of the weight reduction, once after the delivery.
One hour before lunch, again drink water how much ever you can.
6 For lunch, have unpolished rice, from which B-Complex can be supplemented. In few countries, people don’t consume much rice. Those people can have whole meal bread from which iron can be supplemented. Have daily green leafy vegetables for curry like spinach, broccoli, curry leaves. Green leafy vegetables can supplement iron. Hence it’s important to have green leafy vegetable in lunch menu daily. As explained, earlier Soya beans have the highest protein in it. Since it cannot be eaten raw boiled one, it can be mixed with any vegetable curry for good taste and for good proteins. Apart from vegetable curry, have mung dal and toor dal in the alternate days. These are the main south Indian recepies mostly consumed. Have one or two cups of curd.
7 After lunch it’s advisable to take rest for one or two hours. Remember to keep your mind with peace and stress free all the time, especially during pregnancy.
8 In the evening, drink citrus fruit juice which has vitamin C, helps to build good resistance power.
9 One hour before dinner, drink water again how much ever you can.
10 Have dinner as early as possible, advisable before 7pm. So that by the time we go to bed, baby can have enough space for good moments, which is very healthy for a baby and mother too. For dinner, again advisable to have unpolished rice if not available, then whole meal bread is preferable.

By following the above mentioned diet, a pregnant woman can get all the vitamins minerals and proteins and carbohydrates without taking any vitamin, iron and b-complex supplements. This diet is also helpful, for the people who are trying to conceive.
If you feel anything I missed out to share, or any feedback, please feel free to comment for this post. Your feedback is most valuable for the improvisation of the blog. Thanks to all, who has been reading this post.


  1. Pregnant women should always take care of their health. They should always eat the right food and take the necessary vitamins.

  2. Great diet tips for expecting moms. Do try to add more fruits and veggies too.

  3. Great tips here! I'm agree with Carol. Fruits and vegetables are very important for pregnant woman!

  4. Aside from an individual that has disease or illness, pregnant women should eat the most nutritious food available. It is not only for her but it is also for the good of the baby. Babies rely only on the food their mother eats. Being pregnant is not easy, you should think of safety always.

  5. pregent women shoud not eat sesame seeds n dates..but u mentioned here....

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  9. great tips for would be mothers..thnx for sharing this info through this blog...
    diet during pregnancy

  10. It is not an illusion. it is a tradition which has been passed down generations after generations. It is not just about regaining energy.
    as per ayurveda shastra, whenever the body undergoes a drastic change(change of state. inertia) it gets affected by increase of Vata... major diseases and complicaitons(about 70%, lesser by pitta and least by kapha ) are due to imbalance of Vata. and ghee is a stabilizer of the imbalance.
    also to be noted is that the ghee that was available those days are pure, scientifically produced to retain its medicinal properties and prana shakti.I was from desi cows milk which were not genetically manipulated. Ghee available today is simply fat without the prana shakti because procedure of production robs it off of all the prana. producing butter through churning and making ghee out of it by heating kept the prana intact in the ghee. it is complete science but its not possible to explain the whole thing here. you can meet an ayurvedic doctor for more information. this pure ghee doesnt have the harmful cholestrol as in ghee from imported breeds of cows. it doesnt increase weight. In the panchagavya chikitsalaya there are many people who are recommended eating ghee for reducing weights and the weight reduction is there to see for everyone. but today's adulterated and lifeless ghee only makes the consumer fat, and lifeless.
    I suggest you contact Uttam Maheshwari for more guidance in this matter.

    Uttama maheshwari
    Gau chikitsa evam Gau Vigyan Prachar Kendra
    C-162, Akurli Industrial estate(society)
    Akurli road, kandivali,
    Mumbai - 400101
    022 - 28463439
    contact no. of uttam maheshwari - 09869433439

  11. i am sorry for the previous comment as it seems to be out of contxt with the forum's topic. it addresses eating of ghee after delivery. it may help.

  12. hey Great diet tips for expecting mom...thnx for sharing this post..
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  14. Great diet tips for expecting moms. Do try to add more fruits and veggies too....

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  16. Pregnant women nutritious necessities can be balanced by a healthy pregnancy diet. It’s our responsibility to maintain healthy, natural and balanced diet at least during pregnancy period.

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  18. The right diet for pregnant women is so important for your baby. A healthy pregnancy really begins in your first trimester when you are developing habits and your baby is starting to form.

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