You are what you eat...

Health doesnt always comes from medicine. Most of the time it comes from the peace of mind, peace of soul. It comes from laughter and love.


The  Sprouted grains are the lively foods with great power of curing ailments or in preventing ailments. That means it confers the benefits of enzymes and living food energy as well. Sprouts place a vital role in maintaining our health well balanced. Hence it is must to include sprouts in our daily menu.

As I have mentioned in my earlier posts about sprouts and its importance, here I just want to give a brief idea of sprouts curing diabetes! Yes, it’s true, sprouts can cure diabetes. Sprouted grains are the best natural medicine in controlling blood sugar levels. It can cure many ailments, diabetes is one of those.  

Main reason for type2 diabetes is food habits and lifestyle. In type2 diabetes, pancreas gland will not be able to produce enough insulin, which helps in absorbing the energy into the blood stream. But here if there is no enough production of insulin in the body, the food what we eat will not get converted into energy and will not get absorbed into the blood stream. It will remain as sugar in the blood.  Type2 diabetes has the great risk with food that releases sugar quickly. This means that the release of sugar into the bloodstream should be slower always, for diabetic patients. Sprout grains has the power of increasing insulin production. And also sprouts get digested slowly and can release sugar into the bloodstream slowly.

Apart from this, sprouted grains will help in reducing weight with no side effects. And also sprouts work as anti-cancer agents. For more info in preparing sprouts click here

Just start having sprouts daily; you can experience great change in your body. Hope everybody includes sprouts in their daily diet and experience healthy living.
For more info on diabetes click here


  1. The above article says "Sprout grains has the power of increasing insulin production."

    Any studies/experiments/references to make the above claim ?

  2. Hi Anonymous,
    Its just my own experience. Health is to be experienced, and having faith on what we eat. Try eating sprouts nothing harm in eating those. I personally experienced change in my energy levels.

  3. Sprouts are mainly the germinated seeds of the grains and we also call

    them ‘Ankurwali Dal’. These sprouts are considered as a super food as

    it does wonders to the body as it contains high nutrition value.

    Sprouts provide a lot of benefits to our body and purification of

    blood is the one main point. Eating sprouts not only benefit our

    internal body but also provides amazing benefits to the outer parts as

    well because sprouts are really very good for hairs and skin as well.

    Collectively Sprouts contains a number of health benefits but while

    talking about the Wheat Sprouts Benefits it might make you

    wonder how to make them and the benefits that wheat sprouts may

    provide. These are basically made from whole grains and have a nutty

    and slightly sweet flavor and you can eat these by adding them in a

    variety of dishes. They add a different taste to the dish and moreover

    increase the nutritional value of the dish. So, this is a wonder food

    that one can easily get in their homes and can easily include in their




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