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Uthana Paada Aasana:

Excess fat surrounding our belly is very difficult to lose, unless we don’t exercise. And also excess fat can increase the risk of heart diseases, some types of cancer and diabetes. By taking only diet precautions it’s not possible to lose belly fat. With yoga asanas it will be little easier to reduce belly fat and we can see the result faster, compared to the other exercises. Toning your abdominal muscles with yoga asanas can help you look and feel better as you reduce belly fat. Here I will explain the most important asana in yoga called uthana padaasan to reduce belly fat.

1)      Lye on your back slowly.
2)      Keep hands together and place them under your head or you can just place on the ground as shown in the picture.
3)      Now slowly lift both the legs for about a feet height.      
      Note: How to know exactly a feet height?
      First lift one leg and place on top of toes of the ground based leg. Now lift this ground based leg also to the first leg’s height. This is called a feet height.
4)      Now have this state for about 6 seconds, in the initial times. This can be increased gradually.

Extra Tips:
1)      By doing this asana, we keep our full legs weight on the lower abdominal, which is the technique that strengthen the lower abdominal muscles.
2)      While doing this asana, we can breathe normally. In the initial times, we cannot do this asana more than 6 seconds. By practicing everyday this can be increased gradually. The more time we can do this aasan, the faster we can reduce the belly fat.
3)      After completing this asana, we have to take rest by folding legs, placing both feet on the ground, since the buttock gets stressed. By doing this rest posture at the end, we can avoid the stress on buttock.
If you have back pain, neck pain contact yoga guru or doctor before practicing this asana.


  1. i beleive this asana will work. sumathi,chennai

  2. Hi Sumathi
    Thanks for your comment. These asanas will definitely work out, in reducing your tummy fat. But be with little patience and practice regulary to see the effect, and dont expect immediate results.

  3. the great way to reduce the tummy size, thanks for the share



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