You are what you eat...

Health doesnt always comes from medicine. Most of the time it comes from the peace of mind, peace of soul. It comes from laughter and love.


Throat infection, most of the people treat it as a normal disease or seasonal disease, and no one dig for the root cause or no one tries to overcome it. People think it's common in winter, to be attacked by the throat infection. It seems to be a very simple problem, but only the one who experiences will know the complete pain of it. Our body should be resistant to bear any environment, whether it is winter or summer. Instead of going to the doctor and spending money on antibiotics, we can take precautions to not to get attacked. We should always remember prevention is better than cure. Before giving the details, how to cure, I will give three main root causes for the throat infection.

1) Many of us, don't prefer to drink water much. If we don't drink enough water daily, the throat will be dry all the time. When the weather is very cold the dry throat helps for attacking throat infection.
2)Polluted environment, Whenever we spend much time in the polluted environment, we sneeze that's because our nose will not be able to breathe the air contains dust particles. But we use our mouth also to breath while speaking. The mouth cannot discharge dust particles immediately and absorbs through the throat. If the throat is dry at that time it sticks to the throat, and form as infection.
3) food habits. Cool drinks, chocolates, ice creams, processed foods, and sweets. These food habits should be controlled.

1)Morning as soon as you get up, drink warm water about 1-2 litres. Warm water gives the relief, from the pain in the throat.
2)If you feel the intensity of throat infection is more, try to do fast for the whole day. Because, whenever the body is not in good condition, keeping body with an empty stomach, the body will generate antibodies which help in fighting with infectious bacteria.
3)Because of fasting, we feel tired, to overcome it, we can have warm water mixed with lemon and honey. Honey gives instant energy.
4)After one day of fast, from second day we can have our food normally but avoid ice creams, chocolates, cakes, and cool drinks.

As mentioned above, if we can control few of our food habits, throat infection will not attack us seasonally. And please remember it is not an overnight process, like taking antibiotic in the night and getting relief in the morning. This relief is temporary. To get a healthy lifestyle we have to practice drinking water daily and making a habit to have more natural foods than processed foods.

Many Thanks to readers, for reading this post. Please leave your feedback or comments on this post. This is to improvise the blog. Thanks.


  1. good job for nature, all human like green nature

  2. Thanks alam. There are still more yet to come.

  3. Kudos.. :) very helpful

  4. Throat infection is the problem which generally occur in the throat with the change of environment and climatic condition.There are several natural treatment which can help you in the cure of this problem.

  5. recently i am infected with throat said what it is but didn't told why it will come.... but now i read this article.... so now i will follow the steps what was mentioned in the article... it is useful... thanks..

  6. Hey, are there any snacks we can have during sore throat that should not violate the above suggestions and still makes you feel good and healthy??

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. my problem is after throat pain suddenly it turns into cold and fever so what is the reason? can any help me out from this problem

  9. Thanks for your wonderful blog. It really helped me overcome my sore throat.

  10. ur blog is wonderful...... i got many ideas for my sore throat.....

  11. Some herbal tea can provide relief from the symptoms of sore throat. or you can try most commonly used remedies is salt water gargle.

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. Hi I found your site by mistake when i was searching yahoo for this acne issue, I must say your site is really helpful I also love the design, its amazing!. I don’t have the time at the moment to fully read your site but I have bookmarked it and also add your RSS feeds. I will be back in a day or two. thanks for a great site. John Haynes

  14. Hi! I'd like to share my knowledge about sore throat or throat infection. I had flu for the first time and experienced a terrible sore throat after having fever. Upon checking with a physician, she said that I have pharyngitis or simply throat infection. Because of this, I have made my own research about sore throat. This can be caused by a virus or viral infection. It is normal to experience colds, cough or fever before or after experiencing sore throat. Sometimes a throat infection can be a symptom of colds or flu. Antibiotic wont be effective for viral throat infection, it will just help immune the virus. Antibiotic can only be taken if the sore throat's caused by bacterial infection. If you're experiencing difficulty in swallowing, throat dryness, swollen lymph node or joint/muscle pain go to the nearest doctor for some check up. This will help you identify if you have viral or bacterial infection. I hope this will help you in understanding sore throat. :)

  15. Very good information for throat infection ! Fasting for a day with honeyluke warm water is amazing.

  16. Thank you I will try it I have a throat infection they gave me antibiotics and brofins and parasitmol and vitamin B

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.



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