You are what you eat...

Health doesnt always comes from medicine. Most of the time it comes from the peace of mind, peace of soul. It comes from laughter and love.


10 Meter tsunami and 8.9 earthquake is the biggest natural calamity in the Japan's history. Japan has mostly earthquake proof houses. But still jealous nature has showed its calamity in the form of 10 meter Tsunami. It’s pathetic to see the TV clippings of Tsunami and earth quake. Every ones heart melting with tears, after seeing the TV clippings. Its indigestible fact that what we are seeing in TV news is not movie clippings. Cars being swept away in the tsunami, Refinery burns, every where water, fire and chaos, helpless people. Only god can save from this natural disaster. I wish who injured during tsunami, and admitted in hospital to recover quickly. My sincere condolence to the people who have claimed their lives on the devastating natural disaster.

It’s my sincere prayer to god, to lessen the nature’s anger on the livelihood. Let’s all pray god, for World's peace and Japan victims.


Throat infection, most of the people treat it as a normal disease or seasonal disease, and no one dig for the root cause or no one tries to overcome it. People think it's common in winter, to be attacked by the throat infection. It seems to be a very simple problem, but only the one who experiences will know the complete pain of it. Our body should be resistant to bear any environment, whether it is winter or summer. Instead of going to the doctor and spending money on antibiotics, we can take precautions to not to get attacked. We should always remember prevention is better than cure. Before giving the details, how to cure, I will give three main root causes for the throat infection.


The human body cannot live without air, water and food. We cannot live for a minute without breathing. Air is the primary source for the life of any animal. The next utmost important source for life is water. We cannot survive without water, beyond few days. The secret of creation is, three fourth of the earth covered by water. Even the human body has three fourth of water and only one fourth solid. To perform all of its functionalities, the human body uses, three fourth of water. In the god's natural creation, if we take cabbage it has 90% water and only 10% solid.


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