You are what you eat...

Health doesnt always comes from medicine. Most of the time it comes from the peace of mind, peace of soul. It comes from laughter and love.


The human body cannot live without air, water and food. We cannot live for a minute without breathing. Air is the primary source for the life of any animal. The next utmost important source for life is water. We cannot survive without water, beyond few days. The secret of creation is, three fourth of the earth covered by water. Even the human body has three fourth of water and only one fourth solid. To perform all of its functionalities, the human body uses, three fourth of water. In the god's natural creation, if we take cabbage it has 90% water and only 10% solid. There are many more fruits and vegetables which have water ratio more than solid. It shows the importance of water. If we supply water to human body, in the ratio it demands, it can perform all of its functionalities without any problems. This keeps human body disease-free and healthy.

Many of us consult doctor, once after attacked by any disease. We are not concerned to take any precautions, before attacking any diseases. Always remember prevention is better than cure. The more we supply water to the human body; it uses more water to clean all the wastage and toxics stored in our body and discharges in the form of sweat, urine and lavetry. Hence it’s our responsibility to supply enough water every day, to keep clean all of our internal organs of our body. When we give more importance to maintain hygiene in our house and household goods, how pity it is, to not to maintain cleanliness in our internal organs of our body, by supplying enough water. We even take bath daily to clean our skin and external parts of the body, which is good. But we never concern about the internal organs cleanliness. As earlier said, the human body consists of 3:1 ratio of water and solid respectively. We can live without taking food for one day without any harm. But if we don’t take water for one day and only prefer to eat more solids and oily foods, we can imagine how much toxics and wastages stored in our body in one day. We give more preference to solid foods than water. If we don’t drink water properly, no use of eating health and hygiene food. The actual human body has power to heal any wounds and has power to fight with bacteria which is harm to our body. But if we don’t supply water every day, our human body becomes as storage to wastage and toxics, the body loses its resistance power, which leads to all sort of diseases like constipation, headache, sinus, period stomach pain, acidity, gastric trouble, diabetics.

There is no surprise; all of the above diseases can be cured by drinking daily 5-6 litres, in the proper timings. Drinking 1-2 litres of water in the morning, as soon as we get up with empty stomach helps us for free motion. Free motion is sign of good health. Drinking 2 litres of water in the morning, works as a flush to intestine and keeps it clean.

Hence i wish everyone to start the day with water to experience the better health. Once we make use of drinking water daily, we cannot leave this habit, since the body itself asks water in the morning in the form of water. In the morning if we feel thirsty, that is a good sign. And it’s obvious to feel thirsty after eating lot of cheese, oily foods which is not good. The digestive system uses more water if we eat more oily foods, that is why we feel more thirsty.

I wish everyone to experience the better health.

Timings to be followed to drink water are posted here.

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