You are what you eat...

Health doesnt always comes from medicine. Most of the time it comes from the peace of mind, peace of soul. It comes from laughter and love.


Weight reduction is one of the problems, stick to us, if we neglect our food habits and our food timings. Once it sticks to us, it ruins us physically and mentally too. Due to the heavy weight, we may get diabetes, joint pains, irregular periods, cardiac diseases, etc. Many of us think a lot to try to reduce overweight but never initiate.

Few of us, initiate but they follow the strict diet, which makes us sick and tired, as we failed to supply enough nutritious food and energy levels to our body. This sort of strict diet makes our skin looks dull and dry, and hormonal imbalance prone to irregular periods in women. Hence we have to reduce weight in a healthy way.

First of all, we have to see what sort of food mainly we eat. In the entire world, the food habits are completely region dependent. For example, few people used to eat rice more. And few are used to eat more cheese and potato. Firstly, we have to find what sort of food mainly we eat. If that is causing more weight, then we have to reduce or stop that food and supplement it with other nutritious food, which doesn’t have fat. Eating more rice and cheese has more risk in increasing weight. 1Kg of rice has 3000 calories or more. Hence, we can supplement rice with wheat made pulkas(chapatti without oil). Wheat flour gives more energy which is equal to rice, but it doesn’t accumulate any extra fat in our body.

Now we will see the balanced and natural diet, to reduce heavyweight.
1)In the morning as soon as you get up, drink 1-2 litres of water, with an empty stomach. Water not only helps to cleanse our body, it burns fat. To drink water there is timings and routine to follow for better results.

After drinking water, finish toilet and start doing exercise.
It can be Aerobics, Yoga or Pranayama or go to the gym, anything which you like.
2)After exercise, drink vegetable juice (can be mixed with carrots, beetroot, ridge guard, bottle guard, cucumber, tomato) In this way we can provide to our body all the vitamins. So that we don’t feel sick and tired. While preparing juice mix with honey or dates, instead of sugar.
3)For breakfast, we can have wholemeal bread or sprouts (made by black eyed beans, red kidney beans, chick peas, green gram).
4)In the middle of breakfast and lunch water needs to be taken.
5)For lunch have whole meal bread or pulkas (anything made by wheat flour is fine) Eat more green leafy vegetables and fruits and vegetable salads.
6)Once after lunch take 2 hours break. After 2 hours have fruits or any vegetable salads if you feel hungry. Again take one hour gap and drink water again.
7)Have dinner very early, at least 4 hours before we go to bed is preferable. While we are awake, food what we ate digests faster than when we sleep. Hence before we go to bed, we have to make sure that, all the calories of food has been consumed, so that there will not be any leftover deposits of extra fat in our body.
8)Last but not least, avoid completely oily foods.

In this way, if we can follow the balanced diet as mentioned above, we reduce weight in a very healthy and natural way, by not losing our health or energy levels or without any hormonal imbalance.

Thanks to all readers, who have been reading my posts and for giving the tremendous response. Your feedback or comments are highly valued for the improvisation of the blog.


There is an ever increasing list what doctors says about the diseases that termed as lifestyle disease like diabetes, heart ailments due to rising cholesterol, asthma in most cases, obesity.

To beat these ailments, or better keep them away one needs to make changes in their lifestyle.


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