You are what you eat...

Health doesnt always comes from medicine. Most of the time it comes from the peace of mind, peace of soul. It comes from laughter and love.


There is an ever increasing list what doctors says about the diseases that termed as lifestyle disease like diabetes, heart ailments due to rising cholesterol, asthma in most cases, obesity.

To beat these ailments, or better keep them away one needs to make changes in their lifestyle.

To Control diabetes:
  • Stop eating white rice; instead replace white rice with brown rice.
  • Sugar-free, yet sweet pills are available in the market. Diabetes patients can replace sugar with these pills to control diabetes, while having coffee/tea. This is for the people who cant stop coffee/tea
  • The one who can stop coffee/tea can replace them with vegetable juice in the morning prepared from any two varieties of these vegetable: ridge gourd, bottle gourd, lettuce, cucumber, spinach.
  • Have sprouts as breakfast sprinkled lemon and green chillies instead of idli/dosa. Or brown bread filled with green leafy vegetables.
  • For dinner have chapathi (Indian brown bread) with more curry prepared by proteins like chana (chick peas), spinach.
  • Last but not least, make exercise as daily part of your routine in the morning. Have brisk walk in the morning, or practice yoga and meditation. There are always options if you are bored with one.

  • Stop eating oily foods.
  • Stop red meat, instead have almonds. Its proven fact that almonds reduce the LDL cholesterol which is bad for heart.
  • Reduce salt intake in your meal. The high intake of salt cause High blood pressure which can cause heart attacks.
  • Exercise is very important for the one having heart problems. And also Exercise can keep your mind cool and calm from all worries. Exercise can be anything like walking, jogging, yoga/meditation.
Always remember:    “WE ARE WHAT WE EAT”


  1. good diet for Pregnant Women i recommend Wellgrow Protein Rich Disketts

  2. Thanks for the awareness. Quality subject to dwell upon.

  3. Testing shows that to improve cholesterol it is better to reduce carbohydrates (starches and sugars).

    Cholesterol is not the result of eating oils or fats, it is a result of how we metabolize carbohydrates.



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