You are what you eat...

Health doesnt always comes from medicine. Most of the time it comes from the peace of mind, peace of soul. It comes from laughter and love.


   Now a days insomnia has become frequent problem in every one at one point of time in their lives. This inability to fall asleep or to stay asleep is a disorder. Before going to the details, we must know the body mechanism in sleep state.

     Every one likes to have good sleep or deep sleep. Deep sleep is where you receive the nourishing refreshment sleep provides. But do we know how long we have deep sleep daily in our long night sleep? Even after sleeping long night, few looks so dull in the morning when they wake up and few will be yawning the whole day, but why? But no animal has the problem in falling asleep though the sleep mechanism is same as humans. Few animals work whole day and fall asleep night time, and few works whole night and fall asleep day time. ex: owl. But human being belongs to which type among those two? We work day time and as well as night times!!

     But if we know the secret of falling asleep deeply, we can prevent many diseases.  The best example is, we can compare our body with a recharge battery. The battery should be recharged every time the battery is weak. The same way our body also called recharged with overnight deep sleep. This is called resting period. In this resting period all our organs gets recharged and will be ready to function appropriately from the next morning.  But unfortunately in this civilized world we are breaking this rule. we will be awake till midnight 12. We dont give enough time to recharge well our body organs.

   What is the body mechanism in sleep state. The body mechanism is while sleeping all organs must be at rest without working. This happens only when our food is completely digested before going to bed. The reason is when tummy is full although we fall asleep all our digestive organs still works and our kidney still work with more blood flow. And Pancreas still works producing insulin. We are supposed to give 6-8 hrs complete rest to pancreas to produce enough insulin for 100 years. But We are giving rest for only 3-4 hours by sleeping with tummy full. So the food digests completely at early morning 3 or 4. Until then although we fall asleep its not deep sleep. Only we feel deep sleep at early morning 3 or 4.  One of the reasons for diabetes is less resting period. So we must be sure before falling sleep that our food is digested completely.

   Now a days we are seeing people with heart troubles from early in their age. Mainly Lots of tensions, improper sleep patterns with improper timings are the reasons for these diseases. Simple example is, a person working whole night staring at the computer screen will have no control in the morning. That person will be automatically fall asleep as the body and its organs has no charging to move on. So the Deep and long sleep is the best cure for that person.

    But no animal, or birds can understand this sleep mechanism but still they follow the proper sleep timings. This is one of the natures wonders. If you see no animal needs spectacles at the middle age of its life span. No animal take medicines for various diseases related heart,diabetes etc at the middle age of their life span. But being most intellectual animal human beings are living with various diseases.

  Please follow the below steps to get deep sleep daily and live healthy:
1. Exercise/work outs Every day.
2. Have dinner early at 6 or 7. i.e., two hours before you go to bed.
3. Avoid these dangerous habits before going bed.

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