You are what you eat...

Health doesnt always comes from medicine. Most of the time it comes from the peace of mind, peace of soul. It comes from laughter and love.


So far I have written  many posts on healthy eating habits. In  this post, I will explain about indoor plants and its benefits. Indoor plants not only add beauty to our home but play a vital role in purifying the air. Indoor pollutants have been ranked top environmental risks to public health. The stagnant indoor environment allows pollutants to build up and stick around in greater amounts that we humans should be breathing in. Indoor plants are natural life  support system. NASA concluded that indoor plants improve the air quality of your house.

Here is the list of indoor plants:

1. Aloe Vera: Aloe era is one of the best air purification plants that filters out air pollutants and toxins. Apart from purification, its gel has amazing healing properties as well. It can be used for wounds and cuts and burns. It can easily grow in a small pot or a window sill.

2.Bamboo Palm:  It has air purifying score of 8.4. It filters out benzene and trichloroethylene, both of which can regularly creep into  living spaces. It also helps to restore moisture that tends to dry due to indoor heating units. These plants need to be well watered in direct sunlight.

3.Peace Lily: These are beautiful and can thrive without water and sunlight. they can keep your air free of ammonia,formaldehyde, benzene trichloroethylene, xylene and toluene making it on of the best air purifying plants. Special Note: These are highly toxic to cats when they consume.

4.Rubber Plants: The Oxygen output of the rubber plant is higher that the most other indoor plants, allowing it to purify air more quickly. This too can survive in less sunlight and in fewer temperatures.

5.Chinese Evergreen: The longer we keep this, the more effective it becomes in purifying air. it can remove benzene and formaldehyde. These are meant for good luck to bring in and used as a decorative plant.

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