You are what you eat...

Health doesnt always comes from medicine. Most of the time it comes from the peace of mind, peace of soul. It comes from laughter and love.

Do's and Dont's of DIabetes

        Diabetes is a life long condition. Diet and weight management plays vital role in controlling dianetes. Listed below, essential guidelines in controlling diabetes.

  • Eating at regular intervals helps keep the sugar levels consistent and avoids hypoglycemia.
  • Replacing simple carbohydrates such as ( rice, white bread, white pasta, maida) with complex carbohydrates such as oats, bajra, jowar, ragi and wheat would help avoid rise in the sugar levels.
  • Opt for a low-carb meal consisting of roti, vegetable, salad, egg whites or skim paneer instead of a full meal which includes roti, rice, dal, vegetable and salad at one time.
  •  It is advisable to eat either one portion of protein (skim milk products, chicken, fish, egg whites) and a portion of fibre (vegetables, fruits, salads) or Omega 3 fats (fish, flaxseeds, walnuts) in each meal to help accelerate metabolism and promote fat loss and thereby effective sugar control.
  • It is important to incorporate exercise into daily lifestyle (5 days of walking for 45 minutes) to maintain sugar levels and induce fat loss and maintain levels.
  • 1 tsp methi seeds, soaked okra(Ladies Finger) water, 1 tsp cinnamon and 1 glass Karela(bitter gourd)  juice are few home remedies which are known to control diabete.
  • Chromium Picolinate is a mineral known to help maintain and over a long period of time; lower sugar levels in diabetics when consumed 15 mins before a carbohydrate loaded meal.
  • Regular checks on the glucometer are most effective way to monitor the daily food intake and its effect on the sugar levels to determine the right food options for diabetics and the options to be restricted or minimised due to their effect on the sugar levels.
  • Controlling or losing weight is the most effective and guaranteed way to manage diabetes.
  • To conclude, diabetes management through dietary intervention is the most effective way to help the body combat and control diabetes along with necessary medication. It is never too late to make the change.

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