You are what you eat...

Health doesnt always comes from medicine. Most of the time it comes from the peace of mind, peace of soul. It comes from laughter and love.


We use the Garlic in the variety of cuisines. It not only contains anti- bacterial, anti fungal, antiviral qualities but also it can be used for various medicinal purposes. Do you know Garlic boiled with milk has got many health benefits? It has many health benefits and it can cure the chronic ailments.


  1. Having milk boiled with garlic, we can receive many nutrients like flavonoids, enzymes, anti-oxidants, minerals and many vitamins. It has Vitamin A,  B1, B2, B6, C, Protein, copper, manganese, zinc, selenium, calcium.
  2. If someone suffering from high platelets in the blood due to fever, it works as the best medicine. It controls infections.
  3. Reduces bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol. Keeps heart healthy.
  4. Improves immunity as it has got the Anti-oxidants.
  5. Works as the Anti-Ageing agent.
  6. It cleanses the liver. Controls Blood Pressure and Diabetes.
  7. Gives relief from Cough and cold as it works as the antibiotic. Natural medicine for Pneumonia and Bronchitis.
  8. Improves the metabolism, hence helps in reducing weight.    
  9. Keeps you away from skin infections and acne.    
  10. For Feeding mothers, it is the best drink as it can improve the breast milk. 
Note: If you are allergic to garlic, before consuming it you need to check with your doctor or GP. Remeber moderation is the key. If you are taking for the first time start with 1 or 2 cloves of garlic, as too much quantity may disturb the digestive system.

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