You are what you eat...

Health doesnt always comes from medicine. Most of the time it comes from the peace of mind, peace of soul. It comes from laughter and love.


I am sure many of us may not be fond of eating oats. Reason could be its texture or its sticky nature or its taste.  But, we can prepare healthy and delicious breakfast with oats by adding fruits and nuts. This super grain has hidden nutrient treasure in its single bowl of cooked oats!!.

Daily consumption of oats shows changes in our body within few weeks. Before discussing these changes it is important to know its nutritional values.

This super grain has got 26gms of protien in small cup of oats(150gms).
Dietary fibre is 16.5gms
Loads of vitamins B6, Thiamin, Niacin, Folate
Most important is its Minerals in which magnesium is the highest. Apart from Magnesium, it has Phosphorus, Pottasium, Calcium, Iron, Sodium, Zinc and Managese.
Fats and Fatty Acids - It has saturated fats,  and OMEGA3 fatty acids and OMEGA6 fatty acids.

  1. Weight Management :  Due to the highest protien and fibre in small bowl of oats, it keeps our tummy full for long period. We dont feel hungry for longer periods.  During weight management consuming oats gives good results.
  2. Bowel Function: Oats has both insoluble and soluble fibre in it. The former adds bulk to stool and helps to food pass more quickly in stomach and intestine. The later dissolves in water and creates gel like material. Both work together to bulk up stool and soften it and make it easier to pass.
  3. Reduce Hypertension: Studies have been proving that the one who eats oatmeal regulary was showing good results in lowering their blood pressure.
  4. Blood Sugar: Oats are high in soulble fibre, which means they digest slowly keeping blood sugar low. The soluble fibre in oats stabilizes blood sugar and reduced the risk of type-2 diabetes. Oats not  only keeping blood sugar low it reduces the LDL (bad cholestrol) which increases the risk of heart attacks.


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