You are what you eat...

Health doesnt always comes from medicine. Most of the time it comes from the peace of mind, peace of soul. It comes from laughter and love.


Feeling tired? Unable to continue exercise? Must include these in your diet to maintian high energy levels. Yoga, Aerobics, Jogging, Walking... most popular exercises people have been following. There are various reasons for each individual to include exercise regime in their daily routine. It could be weight management, acquiring fitness, or gaining mental stability or for better sleep. Whatever may be the reason including exercise every day in our daily routine is best practice. But how many people are strictly continuing their routine as planned? Improper diet creates fluctuations in energy levels. Its very important to maintain energy levels high, through out the week. Include the following in your diet daily  for high energy levels.

  1. Apple and Banana: Must include apple and banana in diet every day. Both fruits contain vitamin C, antioxidants and Fibre which gives more energy and less calories. 
  2. Avoid Citrus: Its advisable to avoid citrus fruits (those who exercise regularly). It takes lot of time to digest citrus fruit and also it increases muscle pain. If possible drink tomato juice by adding little bit cucmber. Tomato has lycopeen and antioxidants. After exercise, drinking tomatoe juice gives required energy and minerals for next day routine.
  3. Oats: Must include oats in your breakfast. Oats with milk gives enough fibre and protien. Fibre helps in digestion and maintain high energy levels. Protien in milk helps for those willing to reduce their weight by not lettting them tired quickly. 
  4. Nuts and Grains: One who exercise regularly must include nuts and grains in their diet. Nuts and grains helps to increase the metabolism. sprouted grains gives best and quick results. 
  5. Fish and Eggs: Its important to include healthy protein and carbohydrates in our diet like fish and eggs.
  6. Ginger: Its quiet common to have muscular pain and joint pains while exercising regularly. Especially during initial phase. It is must to include ginger daily in our diet to avoid muscular pains.  Ginger is known for helping nausea and digestion problems as well as increasing blood circulation.

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