You are what you eat...

Health doesnt always comes from medicine. Most of the time it comes from the peace of mind, peace of soul. It comes from laughter and love.


        Nowadays, heart attacks have become the common problem from age 30!!    When the blood vessels supply blood to the heart is blocked, it is called heart blocks. Coronary arteries are the blood vessels that supply the heart muscle with oxygen and nutrients. Fats and Cholestrol can accumulate inside these arteries, and the arteries can gradually become clogged. When one or more of the coronary arteries becomes partially or totally blocked, the heart does not get an adequate blood supply. It can cause heart pain or heart attack.  In such cases, doctors suggest by-pass surgery or medicines. Because, there is no other go except by-pass surgery in case of heart blocks.  It’s always preferable, Prevention is better than cure. There are certain changes to be made to our lifestyle to have 100 year healthy life!!!

            Nowadays, if we see out of 100, 60-65% having heart blocks. What is the reason for getting heart blocks in thirties itself? Whats wrong with our human body?  
Is it something wrong with our human body or with our habits?  Definitely it’s a matter of our lifestyle and food habits!! Because, the heart blocks doesn’t happen in overnight. It starts gradually and at one point of time it blocks completely. Few people get a chance to go to hospital and survive, but few might lose life on the spot.  It is always our responsibility to maintain our body healthy, to prevent such sudden deaths. There are certain food habits needs to be changed, to prevent heart blocks and bad cholesterol in body.

            Diet can play an important role in lower your cholesterol. There are mainly three types of foods that can lower cholesterol and prevent your heart.
  • Anti-Cholesterol
  • Soluble fibres
  • Foods that get digested easily.
Anti-Cholesterol Foods: These are the foods which reduce LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) bad cholesterol, and cleanse the blood vessels. The list of anti-cholesterol foods:
    1. Kismis/Wine Fruit:  It helps to reduce the cholesterol level in the blood for about 8% and for those who are willing to reduce weight.
    2. Walnuts: Walnuts contain the beneficial omega 3 fatty acids, which are known to be excellent for the heart. Walnuts, almonds and other nuts also good for heart.
    3. Peanuts: Roasted peanuts consume vitamin E which reduce the level of LDL cholesterol and prevents from heart disease.
Soluble Fibres: Soluble fibres can reduce the absorption of cholesterol into your bloodstream. 5 to 10gms or more of soluble fibre a day decreases your total and LDL cholesterol.  Soluble fibre is more in oats,
whole grain bread, wheat and brown rice.
And in legumes and lentils like GreenPeas, Kidneybeans and Lentils and soya beans
Foods that get digested easily: The blood should always be very thin, for the better supply of blood to the heart. If the food what we eat, gets digested easily, the blood will be thin. There are few fruits which reduce cholesterol and also get digested easily. They are Apples, kiwi fruit, papaya, oranges, Guavas, strawberries. Point to be noted, there is no harm in eating any fresh fruits. Eating lots of fruits  daily,  is good for overall health.


  1. Heart block is a problem that occurs with the heart's electrical system. This system controls the rate and rhythm of heartbeats. Heart block occurs if the electrical signal is slowed or disrupted as it moves through the heart. Stop spreading misinformation. Your blog is incorrect.

  2. Very informative post!
    The main reason of heart attack is blockage of blood supply to the heart. Some symptoms which signs that you are going to be heart attack or if you are a fee that your heartbeat is increased or changed rapidly, stomachache, Exhaustion and Anxiety. So if your body shows these symptoms then do not take it easy and consult with a heart specialist. You can use some home remedies which really help in treating heart attack check this article.

  3. Some home remedies don't bring rapid relief of heart pain, but work to improve your heart health over the long term. Lifestyle factors such as a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables, regular exercise, and not smoking are well-known remedies for improving heart health. Visit also

  4. I have heart block and your blog is wrong. I suggest you get your facts correct before posting things like this



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