You are what you eat...

Health doesnt always comes from medicine. Most of the time it comes from the peace of mind, peace of soul. It comes from laughter and love.


The current world is highly technically developed. There have been lot of eye surgeries; laser eye treatments are available for better eye sights without wearing glasses and contact lens. All of these methods are highly expensive.  Affordable people can bare this. Apart from the affordability, there is a necessity to discuss about the risk factors. Although the laser eye surgery risk is very low, there are some discomfort levels. Instead of going through all of these discomforts and pain, we can protect our eyesight or we can get back our eye sight by some dietary measures and some eye exercises. At least we can try our best by following dietary measures before going for any surgeries.

Vitamin deficiencies are the main cause of the eyesight problems. This condition can be improved with simple and healthy food habits. Increase your dietary content with foods that are rich in vitamin A, as it is vital in maintaining the health of your eyes.
Highest vitamin A.

Highest Vitamin A is available from the leaves of the drum sticks tree (munaga aaku), which is mainly available in India. And the second one is in curry leaves (karivepaku) which is also available mainly in India. Apart from these daily include some portion green leafy vegetables like spinach, amaranth (thota kura), ambat chukka (chukka kura). Green leafy vegetables, broccoli, cabbage and kale are rich in carotenoids.

Coming to vegetables, highest vitamin we can get from carrot. Daily in the morning drink vegetable juice from carrot, beetroot, tomato, cucumber. Vegetable juice is good for overall health, not only for good eye sight.

In fruits, papaya fruit has highest vitamin A, and next one is Guava.

Last but not least is drink water every day, to get rid off the dry eyes. For more info on water therapy click here.

In this way, if we can include either leafy vegetables, or carrot or fruits in our daily diet, at least we can prevent our eye sight.


  1. I really agree with you that good diet can improve eye sight. But for visual aids there are some tools available like magnifying glass for reading.


  2. You may be able to get rid of your glasses and improve your vision problems such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, and light sensitivity with this product..In this is a simple tool meant for people with poor eyesight. This tool helps cure their eyesight naturally without the need for expensive eye surgeries and undergoing the pain in the process. In this course, you are going to learn improving your eyesight naturally. This is a vision therapy which is beneficial for those who want to get rid of thick glasses without many expenses and you’ll regain your lost vision.



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