You are what you eat...

Health doesnt always comes from medicine. Most of the time it comes from the peace of mind, peace of soul. It comes from laughter and love.


Digestive problems aren't fun for any one. It's impossible to enjoy a spicy snack or a sweet delicacy when you are constantly worried about painful repercussions that may follow. Today we're talking about two common digestion-related issues - heartburn and the irritable bowel syndrome, and how you can avoid them through simple dietary and exercise measures.

Heartburn is felt right from the chest to the throat area. One of the main reasons for heartburn is acid reflux, a condition  cause by stomach acids irritating the oesophagus.

Tips to prevent heartburn
Try to eat small portions of food through the day. Regardless of the type of the food, overeating tends to lead to heartburn. Also, chew your food well. Wolfing each bite down only hampers digestion.

Adopt healthier methods of cooking. Baking, grilling and stir frying are healthier cooking methods. Deep frying and shallow frying your food tends to cause discomfort.

If heartburn is a common problem for you, avoid extremely spicy, citrusy and vinegary foods. If you must eat them, accompany them with a decent amount of acidic foods such as meat and vegetables.

Binge drinking is a common reason behind bloating and heartburn-related problems. Limit your intake of alcohol and re-hydrate often when you do drink.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a disorder in which one might suffer from extreme abdominal pain and cramps. In severe cases, one may also suffer from constipation or diarrhoea.

Tips to prevent irritable bowel syndrome
Avoid binge eating. Some foods that can aggravate the Irritable Bowel Syndrome problem are cabbage, alcohol, milk, wheat, barley, bean and caffeinated beverages.

Add more fiber to your diet as it helps in fighting diarrhoea and constipation. However, don't try and cheat yourself with fiber supplements as they can worsen the irritation levels.

Various health studies have linked the Irritable Bowel Syndrome with lack of proper sleep and stress. Here are a few ways to combat stress.

Exercise more often. People who are physically fit tend to suffer from fewer to no digestive problems when compared to their physically unfit counterparts. Here is how you can make exercise a part of your daily routine.

If you are allergic to milk, you are most likely to suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome time and again. If this is the case, we suggest you talk to your doctor and hunt for alternatives to add calcium in your diet.

While none of the suggestions above are common or belong to a 'one size fits all' formula, they're relevant pointers that'll help you narrow down your symptoms and treatment. You'll notice that eating well-balanced meals that aren't heavy on spices, salts and oils, along with plenty of exercise are great problem solvers for digestive problems. Add portion control to that mix, and you've got yourself a good chance at fighting issues like heartburn and irritable bowel syndrome.


  1. good tips. very informative. thanks for sharing.

  2. I suggest proactol for chronic digestion problems, come and check it out on my site.

  3. Even I am facing the constipation problem, but I do get success to find the solution. Personally I would like to tell avoid spicy and oily it would be the best for digestive.



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