You are what you eat...

Health doesnt always comes from medicine. Most of the time it comes from the peace of mind, peace of soul. It comes from laughter and love.


Generally we observe, mouth ulcer in children at the time of their exams. Tension can be one of the reasons for mouth ulcer. And another reason for mouth ulcer is B-Complex and riboflavin vitamin deficiency.
Whenever we consult doctor, for mouth ulcer, doctor prescribes B-complex tablets. Instead of medicines, we can get the B-Complex from natural foods.
To get temporary relief from mouth ulcers, apply honey on the ulcer inside the mouth. Since honey has healing power, it heals fast and gives relief soon. But to cure permanently, we should have the foods which supplements B-Complex. The following foods have B-Complex.
1) Unpolished rice. Nowadays every one eating polished rice. Polished rice has only fat, all vitamins and minerals are in the first layer of rice. But since we polish and eat the rice, we are not getting actual benefits of rice.
2) Eat sprouts made from green gram, lentils and beans.
3) Prepare a mix from wheat flour, urad dal (small lentils) powder, dates and honey. We can have small portion of this mix everyday.


  1. I was suffering from mouth ulcers for the last thirty years. I tried Allopathic,Ayurvedic and Homoeopathic treatment but of no avail.By taking naturopathic treatment I am fully cured in one month . I have cured many persons.To know more pl contact at my emailID:

    1. Hi, can you tell me regarding this naturopathic treatment?

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  3. You had shared the useful info which is in a simple way regarding the natural cure of Mouth Ulcers which may be very helpful, Thank you so much.

  4. hi i just went through your blog and i found so many simple things which if people adopt can do wonders for them! Really nicely written. looking forward to further posts.



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