You are what you eat...

Health doesnt always comes from medicine. Most of the time it comes from the peace of mind, peace of soul. It comes from laughter and love.


I feel it’s lucky to be born as a girl on this earth.  I said this because; we can give birth to a baby. Though it’s hard to go through the birth process, it is precious for every woman to become a mother.  In the reproduction system of women, they have to go through periods every month. In this process, many women may suffer from menstrual pain, especially in the teen, which can disturb their day to day activities. I have seen few of my friends, who couldn’t walk in their first day of cycle.  The menstrual cramps will be there for 1-2 days.  These cramps can be uncomfortable, ranging in intensity from mildly irritating to debilitating. In most of the cases the reason of the pain may not be due to severe issues like fibroids, pelvic inflammatory diseases.

But sometimes, without any issues, women may suffer from period pains, especially in the early times of their menstruation cycle.  We can avoid this pain without taking any pain killers, as pain killers might have lot of side effects. It is not suitable for all women. The best natural and simple technique to avoid menstrual pain is to drink plenty of water every day.  Anyway there is no harm in drinking water every day. Water can cure lot of ailments without any medicines. So never ever underestimate water. I used to get period pains every month which used to spoil my day. But after a month of habituating drinking water, I can see clear change in me.  Pains gradually reduced. Apart from this, drinking 3-4 litres of water every day reduced constipation and pimples. For more info on water therapy:

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