You are what you eat...

Health doesnt always comes from medicine. Most of the time it comes from the peace of mind, peace of soul. It comes from laughter and love.


Home Remedies for Digestive Problems:
The more common digestive problems are Heart Burn and Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
Imagine, after having your most favourite food which caused your stomach upset and bloating, will you be able to concentrate on your work or daily routine?   We can avoid this situation by simple dietary and exercise.  The remedies are simple. But if we don’t follow, only god can understand our constant worried situation of bloated stomach.

Heartburn is felt right from the chest to the throat area.  If heart burn is common problem for you, avoid spicy, citrusy and vinegary foods.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a disorder in which one might suffer from extreme abdominal pain and cramps. In severe case one may also suffer from constipation and diarrhoea.
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Misuse of pain killers causes liver damage!!
Many people not aware of the pain killer’s ingredients. But still people use it very often to get rid off the pain. The unknown fact is acetaminophen in the pain killers, could cause acute liver damage in case of over dosage.

According to the Jennifer King, lead author of the paper and project leader for medication safety research in Feinberg's Health Literacy and Learning Program “Individuals don’t understand that may be taking the drug simultaneously in multiple medication and people think that if we can buy a medicine without prescription, there is no harm. They don’t realize exceeding the dose could cause liver damage.
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Be aware of Periodontitis – Teeth and Gum Infection
Periodontitis is a disorder, the bones that support teeth gets infected. Teeth and gums are badly affected due to this disorder. If left untreated, it can give rise to bad breath, gradually eroding jaw bones and ultimately tooth loss.

This can be prevented by brushing teeth twice a day. Include bitter fruits and citrus in your diet. Eat unripe guavas or its leaves. Avoid starchy food, tinned food, junk food, coffee, tea and alcohol.
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