You are what you eat...

Health doesnt always comes from medicine. Most of the time it comes from the peace of mind, peace of soul. It comes from laughter and love.


The name of this familiar and time-tested household remedy comes from ancient Hebrew means “enchant”. Long used as a culinary sweetener, honey is valued for its many healing properties as well. Treatment with honey is referred to as apitherapy and includes replenishing energy,
enhancing physical stamina and strengthening those weakened by illness or stress. Honey can also help calm the mind and promote rejuvenating sleep. In addition, honey relieves indigestion and is used to treat cardiovascular disease and respiratory complaints. Finally, a thin coat of honey can be applied to the skin to disinfect and heal minor skin wounds and chapped lips.

Therapeutic Effect: Honey helps restore energy, has a general calming effect and helps to dissolve mucus. Applied externally to the skin, it disinfects and heals minor wounds.

Components: The principle constituents of honey are the simple sugars fructose and glucose. Other ingredients include water, pollen, organic acids, enzymes and various proteins.

Honey and fitness:
Honey provides a healthful pick-me-up. The glucose and fructose in honey have been pre-digested by the bees that produced it. The simple sugars are quickly and easily absorbed in the human digestive tract, and they have an overall soothing effect. Honey may be a healthy treat, but take care when using it as a sweetener: just 1 tbsp, of honey has 64 calories, compared to 46 calories in 1 tbsp. of granulated sugar.

Shopping tip:
Many kinds of honey are available. The consistency, fragrance and taste depend on the types of flowers from which bees collect nectar. Look for honey that has been produced by beekeepers that do not feed their bees refined sugars or use harmful pesticides.

Used for the treatment of indigestion, coughs and colds, insomnia, headaches, general weakness and skin wounds.

Relaxing Honey Bath:
Put 2 oz of honey in a glass with 5 drops of lavender oil. If the honey is too thick, heat it by placing the glass in warm water. Add 1 or 2 tbsp of the honey-lavender mixture to your bathwater to help you relax and combat insomnia.

Honey as a dressing for wounds:
Applied externally, honey is useful for healing minor cuts and abrasions by drawing excess water from the tissues and reducing swelling. In addition, honey contains a germ-killing substance called inhibine, which helps prevent infections. Spread honey directly on the wound and cover with a sterile bandage.

Help for Hay Fever:
Honey contains grains of pollen that, over time, may have a desensitizing effect, making it useful for the relief of allergies. Hay fever sufferers are advised to eat honey that has been harvested locally.

For relief of asthma, bronchitis and other respiratory ailments:
Honey is an outstanding household remedy that can be used in combination with various medicinal herbs. For relief of coughs and wheezing associated with bronchitis, whooping cough or other minor respiratory ailments, mix 1 tsp of finely chopped fresh thyme in a little honey. Take the mixture orally as needed to soothe inflamed lungs and airways.

1 comment:

  1. can we take honey and warm water for throat infection during loose motions ?



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