You are what you eat...

Health doesnt always comes from medicine. Most of the time it comes from the peace of mind, peace of soul. It comes from laughter and love.


To feel free from menstrual pain, stop taking pain killers, it may damage your kidney or even prevent you from conceiving.

While contraceptive pills have been largely banned because of the risks involved, a senior gynaecologist in the city has now spoken out against indiscriminate use of painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs to combat pain during menstrual cycles.

"People pop over-the-counter pills because of severe and long-lasting pain during menstruation without realizing its implications. Instead of being diagnosed with the real problem, which may be endometriosis, they end up with kidney failure because of the pills," Dr Kamini Rao, medical director of
Bangalore Assisted Contraception Centre, told reporters.

Hence, it needs to be diagnosed at the early stage, if the pain is unbearable or it recurring every month. In the meanwhile try curing it naturally by drinking lot of water everyday.


Endometriosis is a gynaecological condition, due to which cysts develop in the pelvic cavity of women. Called chocolate cysts, the dark brown cysts are mostly found in ovaries, fallopian tubes and sidewalls of the pelvis. About 40% of women with endometriosis face trouble conceiving.

"Generally, there won't be any accompanying symptoms, so women discover they're affected only when they approach us for infertility treatment," she said.

Endometriosis affects 25 million Indian women. What is more alarming is the recent trend of young women, including teenagers, being affected. "Being a recurring condition, the best chance for women to conceive is within a couple of years following treatment. But it can't be a solution for a 16-year-old girl," she says.

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