You are what you eat...

Health doesnt always comes from medicine. Most of the time it comes from the peace of mind, peace of soul. It comes from laughter and love.


Uthana Paada Aasana:

Excess fat surrounding our belly is very difficult to lose, unless we don’t exercise. And also excess fat can increase the risk of heart diseases, some types of cancer and diabetes. By taking only diet precautions it’s not possible to lose belly fat. With yoga asanas it will be little easier to reduce belly fat and we can see the result faster, compared to the other exercises. Toning your abdominal muscles with yoga asanas can help you look and feel better as you reduce belly fat. Here I will explain the most important asana in yoga called uthana padaasan to reduce belly fat.


Children who are breastfed for four months or more develop fewer behaviour problems, Oxford researchers say.

The study, involving 10,000 mothers and their babies and in journal Archives of Disease in Childhood, says that may be because of the make-up of breast milk.
Or, it says, breastfeeding may lead to better mother-baby interaction.
Breastfeeding is already associated with other health benefits for babies, including lower rates of infection and less obesity in later life.
Researchers looked at the feeding habits of 10,037 mothers and their babies involved in a large study known as the Millennium Cohort Study. 


It causes the heart to work harder than normal putting both the heart and arteries at greater risk of damage. High blood pressure, or hypertension, increases the risk of heart attacks, strokes, kidney failure, damage to the eyes, congestive heart failure and atherosclerosis.


I feel it’s lucky to be born as a girl on this earth.  I said this because; we can give birth to a baby. Though it’s hard to go through the birth process, it is precious for every woman to become a mother.  In the reproduction system of women, they have to go through periods every month. In this process, many women may suffer from menstrual pain, especially in the teen, which can disturb their day to day activities. I have seen few of my friends, who couldn’t walk in their first day of cycle.  The menstrual cramps will be there for 1-2 days.  These cramps can be uncomfortable, ranging in intensity from mildly irritating to debilitating. In most of the cases the reason of the pain may not be due to severe issues like fibroids, pelvic inflammatory diseases.


You must be wondered, in all my posts, I keep writing about sprouts to include in natural diets. Why is it most important to eat sprouts, every day? And, how sprouted grains differ from whole grains? It is scientifically proven fact that, in sprouts, nutrients are more by many times than whole grains nutrients.


 A headache, one of the body’s most powerful alarm signals, is often a sign of physical or physiological overload. There are several types of  headaches, and they differ according to how and where the pain occurs. These include tension, cluster, simple and combination headaches and migraines an especially intense form that is often accompanied by nausea and impaired vision.


If you consult doctor, for  a  medicine, to prevent diabetes, do you get any medicine?  No doctor in this world, can prescribe any medicine that prevents diabetes. We have medicines, to control the diabetes, but neither to prevent  nor to cure permanently. Unfortunate thing is, on an average at the age of 25, diabetes has been diagnosed. And more over, diabetes is a life long health condition. Can't we prevent such life-long health condition, to lead happy and healthy life?


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Yoga poses to ward off allergies (Thinkstock photos/Getty Images)
The summer months are bound to bring with them aches, pains, itching, fatigue and sneezing because of all the heat and humidity in the air. Today we will understand two of the most basic allergy-preventing yoga asanas that help sooth your body's reaction to the heat. 

According to the American Academy of Asthma, Allergy and Immunology , allergic rhinitis, which is popularly known as hay fever, occurs when the inner walls of your nose get swollen because of something you have inhaled. It further leads to a release of a substance known as histamines. According to medical experts, histamines are responsible for your puffy eyes and runny nose and they can be dealt with yoga.

When you suffer from allergies, your immune system weakens making you agitated and stressed. An unwinding exercise like yoga will help in fighting your body's fight-or-flight response and warding off allergies. Make sure that you are performing these yoga exercises in a closed room to avoid outdoor irritants.

Warrior Pose I
Warrior Pose will allow your lungs and chests to open up and will drain that irritating mucus which is the main cause of your stuffiness.

Stand straight, placing your feet firmly together and arms close to your body. Breathe in and place your feet hip-width apart. Now, raise your both your arms over your head and make sure your palms are facing each other. Breathe out by turning your left leg out 90 degrees to the right and your right leg in approximately around 55 degrees to the left. Exhale by twisting your torso and hip to face your left leg. Exhale and form a right angle with your shin and thigh by bending your left knee. Hold this position for 2 minutes and repeat on the right side. Watch video here.

Half Moon Pose
Half moon pose helps you in breathing normally by opening up your lungs and chest area.

Stand straight, placing your feet firmly together and arms close to your body. Breathe in and place your feet hip-width apart. Breathe out by turning your left leg out by 90 degrees to the left. Breathe in and extend your arm out to your shoulder-height. Breathe out and reach your left arm as much as you can to your left. Now, hold your left hand down to the floor and form a Triangle Pose. Hold yourself in this position for 2 to 4 breaths.

Further, place your right hand firmly on your hip by bending your left knee a little, and skate your right foot so that it comes near to the left one. Breathe in by reaching your left foot fingertips on the floor as you lift your right leg. Meanwhile lift your right arm and set your eyes on it. Hold this position for 4 to 6 breaths.

To come out of this position, place your right arm to its original position. Focus on the floor by slightly bending your left knee and lowering your right leg. Flatten your left knee, coming back to the Triangle pose. Change the sides and repeat! Watch video here.


I know, it can be a surprising fact for all of you if I say treatment can be taken with water. But yes, anything can be cured, with proper intake of water, in certain timings of our daily lifestyle. Water should be taken in certain timings, to get the essence of it. If we don't take water properly the body loses the power of purifying the blood. It loses the resistance power, so we have to make sure to clean or purify our body every day by drinking water, as explained below.


India has about 50.8 million diabetic populations, 
the largest in the world. Experts say consuming few almonds daily can help combat the lifestyle disease.

Ritesh Gupta, head of clinical at Fortis says, “Eating almonds can lower the LDL (bad) cholesterol and also improves insulin sensitivity. It is a healthy source of fibre, protein and calories”.


        Nowadays, heart attacks have become the common problem from age 30!!    When the blood vessels supply blood to the heart is blocked, it is called heart blocks. Coronary arteries are the blood vessels that supply the heart muscle with oxygen and nutrients. Fats and Cholestrol can accumulate inside these arteries, and the arteries can gradually become clogged. When one or more of the coronary arteries becomes partially or totally blocked, the heart does not get an adequate blood supply. It can cause heart pain or heart attack.  In such cases, doctors suggest by-pass surgery or medicines. Because, there is no other go except by-pass surgery in case of heart blocks.  It’s always preferable, Prevention is better than cure. There are certain changes to be made to our lifestyle to have 100 year healthy life!!!


          Most of us not aware about brown rice or unpolished rice, as in this modern world, people tends to eat more processed foods than natural foods.   In ancient days people used to eat brown rice. They were very healthy and used to live for long years. But, nowadays on an average a human being life span brought down to 60 years!  What’s wrong with us? When we got 100 years of life in hand, why do we spoil our health?
Can’t we stop eating processed foods? Isn’t it our responsibility to maintain our god gifted 


The current world is highly technically developed. There have been lot of eye surgeries; laser eye treatments are available for better eye sights without wearing glasses and contact lens. All of these methods are highly expensive.  Affordable people can bare this. Apart from the affordability, there is a necessity to discuss about the risk factors. Although the laser eye surgery risk is very low, there are some discomfort levels. Instead of going through all of these discomforts and pain, we can protect our eyesight or we can get back our eye sight by some dietary measures and some eye exercises. At least we can try our best by following dietary measures before going for any surgeries.


Generally we observe, mouth ulcer in children at the time of their exams. Tension can be one of the reasons for mouth ulcer. And another reason for mouth ulcer is B-Complex and riboflavin vitamin deficiency.


Digestive problems aren't fun for any one. It's impossible to enjoy a spicy snack or a sweet delicacy when you are constantly worried about painful repercussions that may follow. Today we're talking about two common digestion-related issues - heartburn and the irritable bowel syndrome, and how you can avoid them through simple dietary and exercise measures.


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