You are what you eat...

Health doesnt always comes from medicine. Most of the time it comes from the peace of mind, peace of soul. It comes from laughter and love.


Best time to practice yoga is in the early morning between 4-5 am. I understand, it might have been long time for many of us seen clock at 4:00am. But This is the precious time to get the essense of yoga physically and mentally.  Nowadays, both husband and wife  working and they get up late either at 6 or 7 am, and start finishing their work in hurry. From the time we wake-up, tention and hurry is within us, on top of that if we go to office, again we have to face there many more tentions. Full day we live with tention and anxiety which is the root cause for our health damage. Where is the time to think about ourselves, where is the time to speak to our mind? Where is the time to improve our spirituality?

This is possible only with Yoga and Meditation that too in the early morning. Yoga not only improves the physical condition, it also improvize the mental stability and mental strength to bare any type of troubles we face in our day to day life. Yoga helps to control our mind and bodily activities at the time of difficulties. it also helps to maintain healthy relation ship with society.

Yoga has been originated from the ancient indain saints (Rishi's), whose goal is to attain the state of perfect spiritual insigt and tranquility. According to the indian tradition, saints  wake up in the early morning and  practice yoga pranayama and asanas and meditation for the world peace. If we practice yoga in the early hours of the morning,  we can experinece to immerse ourself in the vibrations of ancient india and explore our own inner journey of spirituality. In other words, it build up a connection between mind and body, to improve  our  selfbehaviour which helps in maintiang healthy relation ship with the society.

Nowadyas, we have everything  like money, power, etc.. but we dont have time to experience happiness in our lives. The hapiness cannot be bought with money, only we can experience.  We always hope to live happily, which is the biggest foundation for our good health. We can achieve this happiness only through best practices in life. These best practices can be achieved by practicing YOGA, Pranayama (breathing exercise) every day in the early hours of the morning. But the unfortunate thing is, we think happiness lies in the bars, pubs and night clubs. If we observe all these thing are open only in the midnight, which is the time to spoil our mind and we go to bed late night with spoiled mind. We wake up in the mornign very late, since its impossible to getup ealry in the morning, once we go to bed late night. Our mind loses the peace and loses the power of being calm at difficulties. That is why when we get angry we shout and cannot be calm.  As mentioned, the midnight activities like pubs,bars keeps us happy only at that time. Its all temporary. When we are in real difficulty then only, we will get to know the stamina of our mind. 

Hence i adivce everybody to practice yoga everyday in the morning early hours, to improve their physical, mental and spirtual conditions. 

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