You are what you eat...

Health doesnt always comes from medicine. Most of the time it comes from the peace of mind, peace of soul. It comes from laughter and love.


Sesame seeds are the natural calcium supplements available in all seasons.  It gives nutty taste and almost invisible. Mostly used in asian dishes. Sesame seeds not only the highest source of calcium, it also has essential nutrients like  magnesium, iron, and dietary fiber. Just a 100g of sesame seeds gives 1450 milli grams. Sesame seeds are rich in beneficial minerals like copper,magnesium and calcium. copper provides relief for rheumatoid arthritis. Magnesium supports vascular and respiratory health. Calcium helps in preventing osteoporosis, colon cancer, migraine. Apart from these the below information gives nutrients ifo in 100 grams of sesame seeds.

Carbohydrates - 25grams
Protiens      - 18.3 grams
Fat           - 43.3 grams
Energy      -563 Calories
Calcium in milligrams - 1450 m.grams
Iron in milli grams - 9.3 m.grams
Mineral - 5.4 Grams

1 comment:

  1. Wow! This is very helpful information for me. Thank you so much for the sharing. Most Absorbable Calcium Supplement



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