You are what you eat...

Health doesnt always comes from medicine. Most of the time it comes from the peace of mind, peace of soul. It comes from laughter and love.

Do we reduce weight, if we take warm water mixed with honey?

Actually the answer is NO. We can make it partially YES, if we take some precautions. And every body or most of the people thinks honey as a calorie burner. But no, thats not true. It actually gives energy, Instant energy. One galss of honey water with lemon gives you 120 calories. Generally, people who wants to reduce weight, they usually implement this warm honey water technique, but they come back saying, my weight is not reduced. The reason is, due to our wrong assumption honey is a calorie burner, we take one galss of warm honey water, then we eat our food normally. But since we are adding extra 120 calories(in the form of honey water) it doesn't help you to reduce weight. If we really want to reduce weight, after taking 120 calories of warm hone water (one glass), we must not take milk, where we are reducing a bit calories of milk what we take.

This is also one of the tip from mantena satyanarayan raju garu.

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