You are what you eat...

Health doesnt always comes from medicine. Most of the time it comes from the peace of mind, peace of soul. It comes from laughter and love.


Generally, the headache comes due to the following reasons.
1) Due to tensions in office or at home
2) Due to motion constipation
3) due to indigestion problems.

If we get headache frequently, we need to get done all the required tests, related to brain. If in case there is no problem in our head, then we need to find out the root cause for it.
To get rid of it, the above reasons generally in 60% population could be the reasons. If we are tensed, our bllod becomes thick, due to which the blood circulation won't happen to our head propelry. That's is the reason to get headache.
And also if we have motion constipation, that is also one reason to get headache. That is why sometimes, if we get more headache, we get vomtings. We feel very much irritated.

THe best tip to come out of all these is,
1) As soon as you get up, drink lots of water 1-2 litres, and walk around concentrating on stomach. Then we get the motion easily.
2)Drink water 2 hours before having food.
3)Stop drinking coffee and tea

The above tips and artcle was given by famous nature doctor, MANTENA SATYANRAYANA RAJU GARU.
Please follow the above tips and experience good health

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