You are what you eat...

Health doesnt always comes from medicine. Most of the time it comes from the peace of mind, peace of soul. It comes from laughter and love.


Till now, we have seen the tips for taking care of our skin,hair not related to food items whihc we take. The following points explains you the diet care, we can follow every day. Experience the good health..
1) As soon as you get up drink 1-2 litres of water. Which helps you to cean your stomach. In case if you have constipation problem it would help easily to get out of it.
because motion constipation leads to pimples on the skin and on the back.
2)Take breakfast as sprouts, ground nuts soked in water whole night, milk. The ground nuts can be mixed with the coconut white skin. It gives good taste as well as high protien food. Before taking breakfast dont forget to do exercise for 60 minutes, which was mentioned in my earlier post.
3)After two hours again drink 1 litre of water, and give break for an hour. Now we can take the lunch. Reduce salt, oil, spice in foods we take, to experience the good health as well as good skin.
4)Dont drink water till two hours. As in the two hours the food we took in luch should get digested properly. Again take one more litre of water after two hours.
5)In your snacks, in the evening time, add citrus fruit juice in your menu. As it has vitamin C, which helps you to heal the black marks on the skin.
6)Finish dinner, early before 7-8pm. As night before we sleep the food should get digested propelry. Go to bed early.

The above mentioend steps, not onl gives glowing skin, but also give good resistance pwoer and hence good health. I have written the above article, from the inspiration of mantena satynarayana raju garu. I have experienced good health by implementing hte above diet in my daily schedule. I could see tremondous change in my face. As i am a working lady, i dont get time to take care of my skin daily by applying lots of products. But only i can take care in my food habits.

Hope it helps you too...
Thanks a lot to Mantena Satyanarayana Raju garu...

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