You are what you eat...

Health doesnt always comes from medicine. Most of the time it comes from the peace of mind, peace of soul. It comes from laughter and love.


1) Drink plenty of water, per day 4-5 litres. Its as eaual as, a tree not having water in summer then all its leaves gets dried. Then if we go and sprinkle water on its leaves, its no use. we need to supply the water from root. The same way if we apply moisturiser, it may temporarily looks not dried only for that day, but if we make a habit of drinking 4-5 litres of water, we can prevent dry skin.
2) dont take bath with very very hot water. If we observe, taking after taking bath with hot water, we can see some dry layers in white colour on our skin. The actual thing is on the top layer of the skin, for every two days the old layer gets destroyed and a new layer gets generated which generates some good oils from skin, to not to make it dry. But since if we take bath with hot water, that layer gets detroyed, due to whihc the natural layer which generates oils will not work properly. Take bath with cold water and observe the change.
3)Before taking bath apply coconut oil and take bath by doing smooth massage on the skin, it helps you for good blood circulation.
4)Every day do any kind of exercise like yoga,gym, walking for 60 minutes. Which helps you to remove the dirt from the skin.

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