You are what you eat...

Health doesnt always comes from medicine. Most of the time it comes from the peace of mind, peace of soul. It comes from laughter and love.


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Firstly, i will discuss, the root cause for getting pimples. It's natural to get pimples in the teenage like 13-19. The two primary reasons are , fast food with oil and constipation. Constipation is one of the reason , the waste will not go out of the body. Since skin is also one of the organ to discharge the waste, it keeps the waste in the skin and release it as pimples.
And the other reason for getting pimples is, taking spicy foods.

To get rid of the pimple,
1) drink in the morning as soon as you get up 1-2 litres of water, since it helps to discharge the toxic waste materials in the form of urin. And also in the morning, the stomach is empty, so water helps easiy to discharge the waste toxics.
2) dont eat too much of oil.
3)morning after drinking water, take 1 hour gap and have carrot juice. Since it has vitamin A, which is very good for skin.
4) In the evening have citrus fruit or juice and it has vitamin C, which helps to heal the pimples or wounds faster.

The above information was from the famous nutritionist Dr. MANTENA SATYANARAYANA RAJU GARU. I would want every body to get aware of his tips, since its really helpfull for all of us to live in this polluted world.

And also, treatment with water is here:

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