You are what you eat...

Health doesnt always comes from medicine. Most of the time it comes from the peace of mind, peace of soul. It comes from laughter and love.


Nail Care Tips
The nail is made of a hard protein called keratin. A protein is one of the building blocks which make up the body. The nail care help protect the ends of the fingers and toes from trauma and also help us pick up small objects.

Over the last hundred years, the nails have become more important for cosmetic reasons and less important for protection.

Manicuring is the care of the hands and nails. Basic manicuring should be done once a week. Every 4-6 weeks it is a good idea to seek the services of a professional manicure. A professional manicurist best knows how to keep your nails looking healthy and beautiful. Obviously much of what you will find in these pages applies to anyone who wants to maintain health, beautiful and long nails.

Keeping your hands looking clean, feminine, and polished does not require weekly trips to the manicurist! Find easy nail care tips to get the perfect nails you have always wanted..

No need for grimy mitts. Just give your hands a scrub with mild soap and warm water before you go out, using a nailbrush to get the gunge out from under your nails. Oil on hands and under nails can be got rid of with a bit of swarfega, or other cleansing agents.

If your nails go crumbly and whitish or yellowish and separate slightly from the nail bed then it could be a nail fungus infection. Speak to your doctor, who can prescribe an anti-fungal paint to get rid of it. If you get hangnails or loose skin down the side of the nail, trim it off with sharp scissors to reduce the risk of the skin tearing or infections getting into the skin.

Basic Nail Care

Wash hands with mild soap, using a nailbrush.
Soak the hands in warm water for a few minutes to soften the cuticles (the bits of skin at the bottom of the nails).
Very gently push back the cuticles if they are long and ragged.
Trim the nails to the same length, cutting off any snaggy or spiky bits.
File the ends of the nails to smooth them off.
If your hands are dry, apply some hand cream (it doesn't have to be the girly stuff that stinks of flowers, lads).
Don't Bite!
Nail bitting isn't exactly seductive, try an anti-biting nail paint. Tastes absolutely disgusting, but will stop you putting your fingers in your mouth so often.

TUMMY/BELLY why do we get?


The root cause to get tummy is,
having dinner late night after 8pm or 9pm. Since we are having dinner at late night, just before we go to bed, our body will not have any physical moments. So all the fat accumulate in the stomach and deposit there. It gets like tummy.
And one more reason to get tummy is, we don’t do any exercise. and moreover, now a days we are getting too many electronic machines to do our house hold work and also people who work sitting in the office, they don’t have any physical moments. That is also one reason.

To get out of tummy,
1) Daily morning do some exercises.
2) Have dinner very early and very light. If you are hungry have fruits more.


Generally, every one knows, to reduce dandruff we must take headbath daily. But even then we can find the problem. That means we are not getting out of it 100%. There is a technique intaking headbath. Generally, we just wash hair and not bother about the scalp. So while taking headbath, we must keep our fingers in side hair, and clean the scalp smoothly. It should be like massage. It gives good blood circulation and also cleans scalp very clearly.
Hope this will help you.


Generally, the headache comes due to the following reasons.
1) Due to tensions in office or at home
2) Due to motion constipation
3) due to indigestion problems.

If we get headache frequently, we need to get done all the required tests, related to brain. If in case there is no problem in our head, then we need to find out the root cause for it.
To get rid of it, the above reasons generally in 60% population could be the reasons. If we are tensed, our bllod becomes thick, due to which the blood circulation won't happen to our head propelry. That's is the reason to get headache.
And also if we have motion constipation, that is also one reason to get headache. That is why sometimes, if we get more headache, we get vomtings. We feel very much irritated.

THe best tip to come out of all these is,
1) As soon as you get up, drink lots of water 1-2 litres, and walk around concentrating on stomach. Then we get the motion easily.
2)Drink water 2 hours before having food.
3)Stop drinking coffee and tea

The above tips and artcle was given by famous nature doctor, MANTENA SATYANRAYANA RAJU GARU.
Please follow the above tips and experience good health


NO, absolutely NO. Because if we stop food for 3 days and check weight you will not find much difference. But in the same 4 days, take food with protiens, vitamins and daily do some exercises. Now if you check your weight you can see good change. But you will never feel that so sick n tiredness.

The food to be taken:
sprouts with green gram, chena , soya beans ( for protiens)
stop eating fat foods like ice creams, sweets, oily food.
drink lots of water
take fruit juices and vegetable juices.

So to reduce wight we have to take good food and do exercise, but we shouldn't stop or reduce the food quantity. It wil effect on our body in many ways.


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Firstly, i will discuss, the root cause for getting pimples. It's natural to get pimples in the teenage like 13-19. The two primary reasons are , fast food with oil and constipation. Constipation is one of the reason , the waste will not go out of the body. Since skin is also one of the organ to discharge the waste, it keeps the waste in the skin and release it as pimples.
And the other reason for getting pimples is, taking spicy foods.

To get rid of the pimple,
1) drink in the morning as soon as you get up 1-2 litres of water, since it helps to discharge the toxic waste materials in the form of urin. And also in the morning, the stomach is empty, so water helps easiy to discharge the waste toxics.
2) dont eat too much of oil.
3)morning after drinking water, take 1 hour gap and have carrot juice. Since it has vitamin A, which is very good for skin.
4) In the evening have citrus fruit or juice and it has vitamin C, which helps to heal the pimples or wounds faster.

The above information was from the famous nutritionist Dr. MANTENA SATYANARAYANA RAJU GARU. I would want every body to get aware of his tips, since its really helpfull for all of us to live in this polluted world.

And also, treatment with water is here:

Do we reduce weight, if we take warm water mixed with honey?

Actually the answer is NO. We can make it partially YES, if we take some precautions. And every body or most of the people thinks honey as a calorie burner. But no, thats not true. It actually gives energy, Instant energy. One galss of honey water with lemon gives you 120 calories. Generally, people who wants to reduce weight, they usually implement this warm honey water technique, but they come back saying, my weight is not reduced. The reason is, due to our wrong assumption honey is a calorie burner, we take one galss of warm honey water, then we eat our food normally. But since we are adding extra 120 calories(in the form of honey water) it doesn't help you to reduce weight. If we really want to reduce weight, after taking 120 calories of warm hone water (one glass), we must not take milk, where we are reducing a bit calories of milk what we take.

This is also one of the tip from mantena satyanarayan raju garu.


Till now, we have seen the tips for taking care of our skin,hair not related to food items whihc we take. The following points explains you the diet care, we can follow every day. Experience the good health..
1) As soon as you get up drink 1-2 litres of water. Which helps you to cean your stomach. In case if you have constipation problem it would help easily to get out of it.
because motion constipation leads to pimples on the skin and on the back.
2)Take breakfast as sprouts, ground nuts soked in water whole night, milk. The ground nuts can be mixed with the coconut white skin. It gives good taste as well as high protien food. Before taking breakfast dont forget to do exercise for 60 minutes, which was mentioned in my earlier post.
3)After two hours again drink 1 litre of water, and give break for an hour. Now we can take the lunch. Reduce salt, oil, spice in foods we take, to experience the good health as well as good skin.
4)Dont drink water till two hours. As in the two hours the food we took in luch should get digested properly. Again take one more litre of water after two hours.
5)In your snacks, in the evening time, add citrus fruit juice in your menu. As it has vitamin C, which helps you to heal the black marks on the skin.
6)Finish dinner, early before 7-8pm. As night before we sleep the food should get digested propelry. Go to bed early.

The above mentioend steps, not onl gives glowing skin, but also give good resistance pwoer and hence good health. I have written the above article, from the inspiration of mantena satynarayana raju garu. I have experienced good health by implementing hte above diet in my daily schedule. I could see tremondous change in my face. As i am a working lady, i dont get time to take care of my skin daily by applying lots of products. But only i can take care in my food habits.

Hope it helps you too...
Thanks a lot to Mantena Satyanarayana Raju garu...


1) Drink plenty of water, per day 4-5 litres. Its as eaual as, a tree not having water in summer then all its leaves gets dried. Then if we go and sprinkle water on its leaves, its no use. we need to supply the water from root. The same way if we apply moisturiser, it may temporarily looks not dried only for that day, but if we make a habit of drinking 4-5 litres of water, we can prevent dry skin.
2) dont take bath with very very hot water. If we observe, taking after taking bath with hot water, we can see some dry layers in white colour on our skin. The actual thing is on the top layer of the skin, for every two days the old layer gets destroyed and a new layer gets generated which generates some good oils from skin, to not to make it dry. But since if we take bath with hot water, that layer gets detroyed, due to whihc the natural layer which generates oils will not work properly. Take bath with cold water and observe the change.
3)Before taking bath apply coconut oil and take bath by doing smooth massage on the skin, it helps you for good blood circulation.
4)Every day do any kind of exercise like yoga,gym, walking for 60 minutes. Which helps you to remove the dirt from the skin.


The following are some basic hair care tips that you can use to improve the health and look of your hair.
A healthy lifestyle will mean healthier hair for you. Excessive stress, smoking, not exercising and not eating nutritiously are not healthy for your hair.

Get enough sleep.

Hair Products (Gel, mouse, hair spary...)
Avoid using hair styling products with alcohol which dries out hair.

Avoid puting hair styling products directly on your scalp, if you put it on your scalp you'll clog the pores on your head.

Before entering a pool, wet your hair so your hair will soak up the initial water instead of the chlorinated water.

When swimming where a cap to protect your hair from chlorinated water, if you choose not to wear a cap make sure you shampoo and condition your hair right after you are done swimming.

Hot air can be damaging to your hair so when using a hair dryer use the cool setting.

Don't leave the blowdryer in one spot for more than a few seconds, keep it moving and at a good distance away from your hair.

To speed up the drying process, pat your hair dry with a towell and let the remaining moisture in your hair dry naturally.

Gently use your fingers or a pick to untangle any knots while your hair is drying.
Use a brush whose bristles are made from natural animal hairs, it is softer and more flexible which means less damage will be done to your hair.
Hair is most fragile when it is wet so avoid brushing or combing when it's wet, or else it will cause breakage, wait until your hair is almost completely dry before brushing it.

Use brushes/combs with widely spaced bristles/teeth and smooth tips. Sharp tooth combs can damage your hair, cause split ends, and scratch your scalp.

To keep your brushes and combs clean, wash them weekly using soap or shampoo.

Comb your hair to remove any tangles before brushing it.

Begin by combing your hair gently at the ends to get any tangles out and work your way up to the base of your hair.

Always brush/comb with a downwards stroke.

Avoid using plastic brushes/combs which create static electricity

Shampooing and Conditioning
Buy shampoos & conditioners that match your hair type, trial and error is the best way to find out what specific hair product is best for your hair.

Shower with warm water, hot water can dry and/or irritate the scalp.

5 Tips for natural skin care

Tip 1: Give Yourself a Dry Brush Exfoliation

A dry brush exfoliation can be done in the morning before you shower. It eliminates dead skin cells and allows the skin to detox (skin is the largest organ of elimination). Dry brush exfoliation also improves lymph and blood circulation and decreases puffiness. An added benefit is that the gentle pressure is calming to the nervous system. To give yourself a dry brush exfoliation, you'll need a soft, natural bristle brush.

Tip 2: Rev Up Your Digestion

In alternative medicine, good skin is a reflection of a good digestive system. People with skin disorders such as acne, rosacea, and psoriasis often suffer from constipation, imbalanced "good" vs. "bad" bacteria, leaky gut, and other digestive conditions. The two most common sluggish digestion culprits are:
•Culprit #1: Not Enough Water Water bathes cells and eliminates waste products, preventing constipation. 5 Ways to Boost Your Water Intake

•Culprit #2: Not Enough Fiber Most people lack fiber in their diets - the average person eats only 12 g of fiber a day. In 2002, the National Academy of Sciences Food and Nutrition Board established recommended fiber intakes. For men aged 19-50 years, 38 g fiber is recommended, and for men over 50, 31 g fiber is recommended. For women aged 19 to 50 years, 25 g fiber is recommended, and for women over 50, 21 g fiber is recommended.

Some suggestions:
1.Add Whole Grains - Choose whole grain products over refined. Have brown rice instead of white or make your own 50:50 combination.

2.An Apple a Day - Have an apple, skin on, as a snack.

3.Eat Cauliflower - Try this delicious Roasted Cauliflower recipe!

4.High-fiber snacks - Snack on nuts, seeds, and dried fruit, such as dates, figs, and prunes.

5.Try a "Prune Power" Smoothie - Prunes are a great source of fiber. Start your day with this tasty Prune Power smoothie.

6.Eat Beans and Legumes - Open a can of your favorite beans or legumes. Rinse them well and add them to your meal.

7.Ground Flaxseeds - For any easy fiber boost, sprinkle ground flaxseeds (available at health food stores) on rice, salads, oatmeal, or any other meal. Store flaxseeds in the fridge.
Tip 3: Invigorate Sluggish Circulation

Do you sit at your desk for hours, only getting up to go to the bathroom? One of the best things you can do for your skin, stress level, and overall health is to get moving! Inactivity may affect skin and promote bloating and puffiness, acne, cellulite, and loss of muscle tone. You'll learn more about exercise in Step 9 of the Wellness Makeover. Here are some quick suggestions:
•Take a quick break to go outside and walk around the block.

•Book a massage therapy appointment.

•Close your door and stretch.

•Go to the gym.

•Start each morning by stretching.

•Get a skipping rope.

Tip #4: Avoid Excess Sugar

Most people do not realize this but excess sugar is considered one of the main causes of premature aging. The more sugar we eat, the more sugar we have entering our bloodstream. Over time, this can result in a process known as glycation, which is when a glucose (sugar) molecule damages a protein molecule by sticking to it. The new molecules formed are called advanced glycation end-products, or AGEs. AGEs damage collagen in skin, cartilage, and ligaments and promote a loss of elasticity. Wrinkles form and skin begins to sag.
•Try This - It may seem impossible to reduce your sugar intake, but it can be done! A gradual approach works best. In the next week, choose one thing you're going to do to decrease the amount of sugar you consume. For example, start by cutting the amount of sugar in your daily coffee or tea by half. Every week, find another way you can decrease your sugar intake. Pretty soon, you'll be surprised at how far you've come!

Tip #5: Eat Some Good Fats

Essential fatty acids are simply fats your body cannot live without. They are needed to make cell membranes, hormones, and other body chemicals. Essential fats are thought to keep your heart healthy, fight inflammation, and possibly prevent cancer. They are also particularly important to people with inflammatory conditions such as eczema and acne, and also for people with dry skin. People with essential fat deficiency sometimes notice bumps on the backs of their arms. Here are my suggestions on getting more essential fats:
•Flaxseed and walnut oil - Use flaxeed oil or walnut oil with balsamic vinegar as a salad dressing. Be sure to keep these oils refrigerated. They should not be heated or used for cooking.

•Cold water fish - Sardines are a good source of essential fats. Salmon is another good source, however these salmon accumulate toxic polychlorinated biphenyls (otherwise known as PCBs) in their body fat during the 95 percent of their lives they spend at sea.

•Supplements - Consider fish oil supplements.

How to Be Beautiful

Being beautiful is a desire that almost everyone wishes to see getting accomplished. Though it is believed that beauty is god gifted, it can surely be enhanced to a great extent, by working upon one’s persona. Moreover, beauty is something subjective, which cannot be generalized. So, for being attractive, one just needs to pay attention on his or her appearance as well his character. In addition, being healthy is also a prime requisite for looking beautiful. Given below are some tips on how to be beautiful and attractive.


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