You are what you eat...

Health doesnt always comes from medicine. Most of the time it comes from the peace of mind, peace of soul. It comes from laughter and love.


Now a days it has become a common problem, couple trying hard to give birth. In olden days, out of 100 couple either one or two used to face this problem. But at present, out of 100 couple, 25% facing this problem. In the whole universe, no where we found any animal having sperm count less.


The Yoga Therapy or ‘yoga-chikitsa’ refers to the treatment of diseases by means of yogic exercises which may be physical or mental or both. It is a specialised form of yogic culture. This mode of treatment has been practised in India from very ancient times. Many references to yoga have been made in the Upanishads. It was, however, Maharishi Patanjali who in about the first


Several home remedies have been found useful in the prevention and treatment for the loss of the hair. The most effective among these remedies is a vigorous rubbing of the scalp with fingers after washing the hair with cold water. The scalp should be rubbed vigorously till it starts to tingle with the heat. It will activate the sebaceous glands and energize the circulation of blood in the affected area, making the hair grow healthy.  List of natural home remedies have been given for controlling the hair fall, to lengthen hair and for the luxuriant growth of the hair.


Loss of hair at a very tender age has become a common disorder these days. It causes a great deal of concern to persons affected by loss of hair, especially Indian women who regard good hair growth with thick long hair as a sign of beauty.

Hair is formed in minute pockets in the skin, called follicles. An up growth at the base of the folic, called the papilla, actually produces hair; when a special group of cells turn amino acids into keratin, a type of protein of which hair is made. The rate of production of this protein determines hair growth. The average growth rate is about 1.2 cm per month, growing faster on women between the ages 15 and 30.


A blend of fruit juices, including grape, cranberry and blackcurrant, may have benefits for the heart, research suggests.
French scientists tested the blend on pig arteries in the lab, and found it caused artery walls to relax.
It remains to be seen whether fruit juices can improve vascular health, they report in a scientific journal.

The study adds weight to evidence fruit and veg reduces heart disease risk, says the British Heart Foundation.
The researchers looked for a chemical called polyphenol in fruit and berries.
They found the most active fruits included blackcurrant, blueberry, aronia (choke berries), cranberry, lingonberry and grape.
Commenting on the study, Tracy Parker, heart health dietitian at the British Heart Foundation, said: "This research adds more weight to evidence that eating fruit and vegetables is good for us in terms of reducing our risk for heart disease.

"However, we still don't fully understand why, or whether certain fruits and vegetables are better than others. Even this study acknowledges that scientists can't yet explain any link.
"What we do know is that we should all eat a wide range of fruit and veg as part of a balanced diet, and fruit juice is a tasty and handy way of doing this.
"Don't forget though, juice contains less fibre and more sugar than the original fruit so it only counts as one of our five-a-day."
The research was published in the Royal Society of Chemistry journal, Food and Function.


A new study finds that too many Calcium supplements can increase your risk of a stroke or a heart attack.
You may think nothing of taking a calcium supplement every other day - and till now, may have assumed not just that it's beneficial, but harmless too!Think again - A study published in the British Medical Journal finds it could increase your risk of stroke and heart attack by 20 per cent, by depositing in the arteries and causing a blockage."Over a period of time when the cholesterol has settled over there...the Calcium present in the body will also go and deposit in those and as the blockage gets older and older the blockages become harder," said a Cardiologist.
The researchers studied over 16 thousand healthy postmenopausal women, and found that extra calcium increased their risk of suffering both a stroke and a heart attack by 20 per cent.
Doctors say this study in itself is not conclusive and holds for women who have hit menopause - but across the spectrum, women should exercise caution, after all data from 13 other trials, involving 29,000 people reached similar conclusions.
Yet, studies find that almost 60 per cent of Indian women are deficient in calcium, we just don't get enough in our diet. Women especially are at a higher risk of osteoporosis, but they are also at risk of heart disease, so where does that leave them?


The  Sprouted grains are the lively foods with great power of curing ailments or in preventing ailments. That means it confers the benefits of enzymes and living food energy as well. Sprouts place a vital role in maintaining our health well balanced. Hence it is must to include sprouts in our daily menu.

As I have mentioned in my earlier posts about sprouts and its importance, here I just want to give a brief idea of sprouts curing diabetes! Yes, it’s true, sprouts can cure diabetes. Sprouted grains are the best natural medicine in controlling blood sugar levels. It can cure many ailments, diabetes is one of those.  


Dandruff refers to an unpleasant irritating condition associated with bacteria on scalp. In the case of excessive formation of scales, dandruff falls like flakes on shoulders, eyebrows, and clothes.

The Symptoms of dandruff are Often itchiness on the scalp, lumps and crusts on the scalp; scalp may become red from scratching.

The Primary causes are: Any deterioration in the general health, poor nutritious elements in the food, and any toxics in the body due to wrong feeding, constipation and lower vitality due to infectious diseased.
The other factors are: Emotional tension, harsh shampoos, exposure to cold climate.


Best time to practice yoga is in the early morning between 4-5 am. I understand, it might have been long time for many of us seen clock at 4:00am. But This is the precious time to get the essense of yoga physically and mentally.  Nowadays, both husband and wife  working and they get up late either at 6 or 7 am, and start finishing their work in hurry. From the time we wake-up, tention and hurry is within us, on top of that if we go to office, again we have to face there many more tentions. Full day we live with tention and anxiety which is the root cause for our health damage. Where is the time to think about ourselves, where is the time to speak to our mind? Where is the time to improve our spirituality?


Sesame seeds are the natural calcium supplements available in all seasons.  It gives nutty taste and almost invisible. Mostly used in asian dishes. Sesame seeds not only the highest source of calcium, it also has essential nutrients like  magnesium, iron, and dietary fiber. Just a 100g of sesame seeds gives 1450 milli grams. Sesame seeds are rich in beneficial minerals like copper,magnesium and calcium. copper provides relief for rheumatoid arthritis. Magnesium supports vascular and respiratory health. Calcium helps in preventing osteoporosis, colon cancer, migraine. Apart from these the below information gives nutrients ifo in 100 grams of sesame seeds.

Carbohydrates - 25grams
Protiens      - 18.3 grams
Fat           - 43.3 grams
Energy      -563 Calories
Calcium in milligrams - 1450 m.grams
Iron in milli grams - 9.3 m.grams
Mineral - 5.4 Grams


Obese woman.jpg

"Overweight or obese girls who were able to attain a healthy weight when they were an adult, they didn't have an increased risk of depression," lead researcher Kristy Sanderson said.

"It was only overweight girls who became obese women ... they had twice the risk of depression, so it was quite a strong effect, " he said.

"If they're overweight for a long period of time, because we're talking about 20 years here, they've got all of that exposure to negative self image, low self esteem."

Senderson said, "The researchers do not see the same effect in boys or men, that is because men do not internalize negative body imagine in the way women do." 

Naturopathy diet for weight loss


The amount of salt we consume has direct effect on our health. For healthy living we must reduce the consumption of salt.  Salt and High blood pressure has direct relationship. More salt we eat, the higher our blood pressure.  Apart from the blood pressure related issues, high consumption of salt causes other health damages like greater retention of water in body, which leads to weight gain, thinning of the bones (osteoporosis), asthma and kidney diseases.


Each and every human body needs food, as it acts as a source of energy to do all power activities. . Food also provides the chemical raw materials that promote the growth and repair of body tissues. Food is composed of wide distribution of nutrients, which have very specific metabolic effects on the human being. Essential nutrients are nutrients that cannot be synthesized by the human body and therefore must be derived from food sources. Essential nutrients include vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids and some carbohydrates as a source of energy.


As explained in my earlier post HUMAN BODY- MARVELLOUS MACHINE,   just as a machine needs to be fuelled timely, our body also must be replenished with vitamins for it to function properly.  Vitamins which work as catalysts and enzymes protect cells in the body. A cell is a small particle in the body. Combination of million and trillion cells is a human body.  Cell is the root cause for any of the disease we face. If a cell and the combination of cells are healthy, the human body is healthy. Hence we are what we eat!! We must supplement essential vitamins in the form of balanced diet.


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